
Sound the bugle now



1 Year
12-28-2015, 01:00 PM

Right now I feel - just like a leaf on a breeze
Who knows where it's blowin' - Who knows where it's goin'
I find myself somewhere I - I never thought I'd be
Going round in circles - Thinking about you and me

It was strange how little the cold had begun to mean to her. She felt it, she would have been dead otherwise. She felt her coat reacting, she felt the instinct to hide, to find warmth, she felt some corner of her brain crying out, her wasted body didn't hold an ounce of fat. Get warm, find a better shelter, this could kill you. But the cold never reached her heart, a place that no longer held a trace of warmth to begin with. There was a numbness it her, a dull feeling of detachment and it was that had held of the cold and hunger and all other earthly needs. Besides, what care had she left if she died? Perhaps then the eyes of Illume would haunt her no longer, perhaps she would remember exactly what her dear sister looked like.

How do I expalin it when I don't know what to say
What do I do now - so much has changed
Nothing I have ever known - has made me feel this way
Nothing I have ever seen - has made me want to stay

She didn't startle any longer, such a reaction required more presence then she had the ability to retain. The voice, the unfamilar voice with a tone of accusation barely got a twitch from the child. Her eyes dully rolled in their sockets to find him form. When they landed on the stomry tones of the stranger a strange, scratchy noise emmited from her throat, the hiss dry and hoarse in her unused vocals. When he spoke again, she got a better look at his eyes. At last, she reacted, recoiling into the bush she huddled. For all of a moment she saw anger, resentment, betrayal, flashing down at her in those blue eyes. But when her tired eyed focused, and she saw the puzzled gaze of the stranger her frozen heart woke up enough to dispair that it wasn't the ghost of her sister come to claim her at last. “go- go away” she struggled to get the words past her throat, no longer just dry and hoarse but tightened all over again with dispear.

but here I am - ready for you
I'm turnin', I'm fallin' - I hear my home callin'
Hey - I've never felt somethin's so strong - oh no
I'ts like nothing I've ever known - Now you're the one I'm looking for
You're the one I need  

"Talk" "You" Think