
Sound the bugle now



1 Year
12-29-2015, 02:07 AM
His comment was so unexpected her growling halted temporarily, a surprised sniff of air seemed to leave her nose, the sound a kin to one holding in laughter. Her scowl a moment later was extra fearce to make up for the lapse. That scowl narrowed in on his coat when he tried to describe himself as a storm. It was a frustratingly elementas thing to say. She didn't want the reminder of her family and she definitely didn't want to think of storms - which could remind her of either blue skies or lightning. "Lame" she muttered, no better insults arising in her defeated mind.

When his stance switched to a more hostile one she felt a completely out of place feeling of excitement. She wanted him to hurt her, she wanted scars on the outside that matched all this pain borne on the inside. When he told her to sit down she blinked, surprised. He was an awfully well behaved stranger to a bedraggled, ungrateful mutt. She wasn't sure what to make of this man, with his brisk and unhappy tone yielding a strange kindness. Her eyes hardened, searching him for pity and finding... none. His gaze wasn't as unbearable as she might have expected despite its similarities to things best left forgotten. "Arcus elementas. A man who believes himself a storm" she huffed unkindly, her words a defence to buy herself time, to harden the shock widening her gaze. This was just bloody great. He was related to her. No doubt if she told him who he was he would cart her back to the beach, to the waves and the father she had escaped from. "I'm Ren" she decided, hoping it was different enough not to reveal who she was. Did she really want to accept help from this relative? To risk exposure, to risk returning to what she had fought so hard to escape from? "If you really really have to help a stranger to appease some other persons conciounce perhaps you could teach me to hunt and send me on my way. Catch a wolf a fish and she eats for a day. Teach her to hunt..." she shrugged her shoulders, she hated to admit it to herself but she was starting to feel the rise of emotions in her chest again. There was a flicker of something that felt almost good, the idea of true independence seemed to good now to walk away from. Curse this stranger.