
Sound the bugle now



9 Years
12-29-2015, 02:30 AM
For a moment the sound slipped passed him as if it were nothing but a breath, but then it dawned on him when her growl was louder. As if she were hiding something. His lips twitched in a slight smirk then, amused that she had laughed, sort of, at his joke. Well, he had more where those came from didn't he. At her mutter he snorted himself and looked away. "Your insults are lamer." He said in a kind of childish voice.

He stared down at her, not really giving a crap that she was so sickly looking and not really caring how she got that way. The only reason he stuck around was the same reason he did anything anymore. Shaye and her high morality. She cared so he felt forced to…sort of care. Really he didn't. When she spoke he huffed then. "I don't think, I am." He growled then, looking at her. "Would you like to feel my storms? Get stuck in my tornados, twisted and destroyed by my typhoons, my thunder, my raging winds?" He seethed, showing teeth again. "Youre lucky I'm in a good mood, kid." He rumbled then, lifting a brow bone as she introduced herself as nothing more than Ren. Well, that settled it. She was just one of those odd colored creatures. If she were an elementas he knew she woulda been all over him. That stupid clan that thought family meant everything, but didn't care at all when it broke apart. Hunting? He wondered...He did teach Shaye how to fight after all. sorta. "Sure why not. Not like I got anything better to do." He huffed again before tilting his head and staring down at her. He shook his head to himself before turning, without a word, to walk deeper into the soulless forest, to begin her lesson.

"Burn Baby Burn"