


12-29-2015, 02:42 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Arin
Age: 21

Character's Name: Cerse
Character Age: 2
Season of Birth: Summer
Adult Height: 45”
Appearance Description:

Cerse appears as if she is made from the stars. Her coat carries the warmth of the universe, as if it had held her in its embrace during her creation. The colors of the sun, a warm sunset, the very heart and soul of a star paint her entire frame. She almost glows with a radiance as pinks, purples and oranges swirl along her massive but delicate form. From her skull to her neck and along the top of her back and the top of her tail a shadow of purple coats her, but along her hind legs and belly is where the nebula begins. It swirls up her hind legs, which, aside from the almost glowing pinks and oranges, are also a dark shade of purple,, before exploding into a shining nebula. The same swirls crawl up her forelegs from the dark purple, flecking and dashing along her chest until it ends just below her chin. Stars fleck her coat, all along the deep shadows of purple, seeming to almost picked from the sky itself. Her eyes, which are a deep tangerine orange, are framed by a lighter purple marking, something akin to the eyeliner Egyptian gods would wear, swirling in a gentle way.

Even without her coloration, her starlike wonder, Cerse would be something to marvel at. A massive splendour, large and imposing, standing at a staggering 45" and weighing an impressive 210lbs, and yet she is not...bulky, perse. She is as elegant as a stalking puma, with an air as powerful as that of a tiger. She doesn't stomp, doesn't shake the ground beneath her feet, she almost seems to float. Intimidating, and yet approachable. Her lips often wear a gentle smile, coy and motherly, and her eyes speak languages that are free of words.

Skills: Healing, Hunting

Proof of Purchases: Dire Wolf & Open Charrie Pass