
a þing of splendor



5 Years
Extra large
12-29-2015, 03:43 PM

The glares exchanged by his kids did not go unnoticed. Eisleif was quick to abandon the expression but Stori seemed determined to hang onto it; something that displeased him. If they had to establish a pecking order, fine, but here in front of the pack was not the time for it. As his expression shifted to one of approach Laufey lifted a forepaw and aimed to flick Stori's ear with it. In a low voice he commanded, "Behave." Katja's gaze drew his attention away from the boy and he returned her simple nod.

The arrival of Harekr and his familiarity with Neith instantly quipped a feeling of jealous in Laufey. How did they know one another? His imagination took that tiny snippet of information and ran off with it - and he did not like where it took him. What saved him from being an ass were the thoughts he'd just moments prior had about the sprouting rivalry between his kids: this was not the time nor the place. With much effort he smoothed his feathers and managed a simple, unobtrusive statement. "We both are."

Katja began the meeting and Laufey turned his attention to her. He made a note to move Neith and Eislief back to the gorge. So Vereux was gone, eh? Laufey wasn't surprised. The man hadn't struck him as Yfir material. Whether he was dead or traitor didn't matter much, although Laufey would jump at the chance to tear into brute if he was the latter. Next Katja announced her pregnancy, which brought up a whirlwind of unexpected emotions for the brute. Pride, yes, but also a kind of uncertainty he couldn't quite place. He needed to speak with Katja. Undoubtedly they had different takes on what had transpired between them and what the future entailed.

From there the meeting turned towards ranks. Without hesitation he stepped forward and sought Katja's gaze. "I wish to try for the rank of Stallari." He was intentionally vague as to which Stallari position he wanted. There were three positions to try for and Kaprasius held the first. Whether or not he was going to give his uncle a run for his money hinged largely on how he handled the coming test. If he made it into the ranks he just might have to try to keep the old man on his toes.

This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.