
That monkey on your back



7 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
12-29-2015, 05:12 PM

"Northern Alacritia," he corrected. Until recently the two continents had been isolated from one another. Their inhabitants had lived and died in their own separate worlds. What mattered in Northern Alacritia didn't matter in Southern Alacritia and the events that were considered relevant in one were, likewise, irrelevant in the other. "I don't know if I'd go so far as to call your half the "heart" of it all," he said lightly.

"One things for sure though, don't bother going up there if you don't know how to defend yourself." At this he chuckled. That certainly made the north sound more interesting, didn't it? "Don't you worry about us," he said firmly. "We can handle ourselves." Well, he could. The only thing in Olafur's favor was his speed. Odysseus on the other hand was a fighter through and through. He was made for such things and readily accepted the violence he was predispositioned to. He didn't just look the part; he embraced it.

He eyed the red woman curiously. She cautioned him that he needed to be able to defend himself if he were to head north but she herself didn't really look like much of a fighter. "What of you? Are you simply here for the clams or are you on your way to the south?" He caught his mistake and corrected it. "Southern Alacrita, I mean." If she was expecting the inhabitants to be softer down there she was mistaken.


Odysseus has a male rhesus macaque companion named Olafur. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Odysseus.