
Lay Me Down


04-17-2013, 02:44 PM

Bi-colored gaze snapped quickly to a familiar gray figure as Rumble came charging to the scene. He seemed to recognize the female they were trying to revive. Fenrir opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it as Rum began to speak, exclaiming that the female before them was the Queen of Seracia and something about telling someone about something. Gods it was confusing. Rumble then turned on his heels and left as quickly as he had come leaving Fenrir standing trying to remember what had just transpired.

A gasp broke him out of his reverie and his head snapped to the female and he removed himself from her. Eyes flickered to Erani as she introduced herself and then him. He remained silent letting the Healer do all the talking. He merely nodded when another command was given. It didn't seem as though the girl could move yet so head lowered to her frame and he would attempt to lick her pelt as instructed.

The sound of another approaching distracted him once more and ears pinned against his skull. Leathery gums pulled back and ivory teeth flashes. Fur bristled and his tail swung above his back as he took a defensive position. He wasn't fond of a whole group of wolves at once and this scent was unfamiliar. His position said that if whomever was coming was even thinking about attacking they would have to answer to him first.

A pale figure raced to them and immediately began uttering some nonsense about helping and then encouraged the girl to be strong. Fenrir's position turned into a wary one, but hair lay flat once more and teeth were hidden once again. To him the other male was foolish. Did he not realize that the girl obviously didn't remember where she was, or how she had gotten there in the first place. He wondered if she even remembered who she was. He had to ask.

"Know who you are?"

He questioned her in the soft yet deep voice of his. His speech was once again broken. It was almost like he was incapable of speaking in full sentences. With luck, they would understand him regardless.

"Or do you remember nothing."
