
Little Did He Know



9 Years
Athena I
12-29-2015, 11:32 PM

Leo waited patiently for a response as she took a breath and brought her eyes up to meet his. The words that finally left her mouth were so unexpected that it seemed like his brain didn't understand that she had actually spoken. Slowly, he'd grasped what she had said and as his shocked mind gathered what this entailed his eyes grew wide and he opened and closed his mouth several times, unable to actually form the words that he was wanting to say. "You... Y-you're..." he stuttered with disbelief.

As the initial shock and disbelief began to pass, a large, over joyed smile spread across his face and his tail started thumping against the ground behind him. "You're pregnant?!" he finally was able to get out with a giddy laugh. This was exactly the moment he had just been dreaming of- with the exception that he had assumed it would be further into their future. All he felt now was excitement however as he showered Svetlana's face, ears, and upper neck in kisses. "Svet, we're going to be parents!" he said happily, his voice a quiet, excited whisper. Just saying that out loud made it feel so much more real.

His thoughts were going a mile a minute and were running all over the place. It wasn't till then that the smallest twinge of nervousness hit him. He had always wanted to be a father, but he really hadn't considered the possibility fully. They would have tiny lives depending on them. He was so very excited at the prospect, but nervous at the same time. He just wanted to do a good job as a father. But, when his eyes met Svetlana's, all he could do was smile. They would figure it out together. This did make him wonder if maybe he should consider advancing his plans for the pack's structure a little more quickly than he had planned... He wasn't sure he wanted to have his children coming into the pack as it stood right now.

"Talk" "You" Think