
[Claiming] An Omen In The Stars



7 Years
12-30-2015, 01:42 AM
Surreal Adravendi

After so long a time of planning, it was finally time. It felt right. She traipsed across the Plains, tail flowing above her hips in a position of power, paws treading lightly on the frozen ground. Spring was nigh around the corner. The anniversary of her mothers birth. Her mother's death. It was perfect. She mounted the large boulder, with its ancient oak nestled against it, and turned to face the expanse of land before her. She scanned the land, seeking the forms of any of her family or friends. There was Regulus. Celestial's Future. A soft woof summoned him to her.

She waited until her son was at her side before raising her head, muzzle tipping back. She parted her jaws to utter the call that would cement years of planning, but stopped, ears perking. To the north, not too far away, a song rang. It was the same song as she was about to sing. It seemed two packs would be raising their standards this evening. She cast the thought aside, and threw her head back.

The sound started low in her throat, rising until it broke free of her jaws. The song held the note of power only an alpha dared sing, and she kept the call long and loud, letting it carry as far as it might. A second song rang close after the first, this one a command for her family and those who had stayed at her side so long to heed her call and come at once. The time was here. The time was now.

Celestial was rising.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think