
брат најмили


12-30-2015, 01:06 PM

The night was dark, deep and black. It was the cusp of life and death, the winter melting into spring. There wasn't a moon in the sky, and every speck of light was whisked away by heavy clouds, and yet she still seemed to glow. Deep citrus eyes stared ahead, watching where she stepped. Earlier that day she had heard a bone chilling call, something she had never believed shed hear again. While she had known he had made it out alive, she didn't know that he was here. Her paws had lead her here only after she grew tired of her previous place, wandering for preservation and to find something better. She moved with an elegance, a grace that she had had since birth. Large paws pressed easily against the deep snow as she moved, a smirk on her lips.

How had he secured a place like this? She was proud and yet a little miffed. Here he was, flourishing and had he thought to look for her? Well, there could be a very good reason. So she moved along, smirking as his scent filled her nose. A wave of nostalgia washed over her, filling her to her core with warmth and foreign familiarity. She missed him, she missed everyone. Lonliness had been such a part of her that it seemed to be woven into her very soul. But did it have to be so? With that call she was promised her family again, promised company. She wouldn't be alone and lonely any longer.

Without a call she crossed the borders, barely even blinking as she broke a natural law. Borders did not matter to her right now, especially not his borders. She moved with purpose, deep into the newly founded pack to find a certain star speckled brother of hers.

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