
[Claiming] An Omen In The Stars



2 Years
12-30-2015, 01:38 PM

After Ganja had come back with Regulus she realized not long after that she would need to go to her aunt soon. She needed to see the woman, to let her know that she had not perished, nor had she found any sign of her family. As she went on her way though the season had changed, and with it brought her first heat. She knew a little of the changes that were made in her body, but that didn't help her at all when it came to actually dealing with the affliction. She'd never found Rainbow, but she had made it back to her once island home.

For the majority of the season the little bud would remain there, tending to her buds, enjoying the solitude, and dealing with her heat alone. She would have remained there the rest of the season had she not heard the curious sound of Surreal's howl. Had she managed to finally erect her much sought after pack?

The swim was relatively short, but it still took longer for her to get to shore than it took for her to get to the place of meeting. Quite curious the green child would make her way close to the large red form that sat proudly before his mother. She had to wonder who was more joyed at the turn of events, mother or son? Bumping his shoulder (or really more like his foreleg cause short) playfully she'd come to sit next to her friend. Hopefully she just smelled mostly of sea water now that she'd doused herself in the ocean, but the discomfort of her heat was quick to return. Trying to find a comfortable position her attention would sit divided between the importance of the meeting and how much of a bad idea it was to come out of hiding.

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