


12-30-2015, 03:19 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Keno
Age: 23

Character's Name: Anselm Dragomir
Character Age: 1 Year
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 25"
Appearance Description: For the most part his coat is covered in a rich chocolate brown. The color lightens as it goes down his legs and tail, as well as it edges closer to his undersides. His undersides themselves are a soft tan, marking the back of his neck in stray hairs, his brown, and under his eye as well. His paws hold the brightest bit of tan, and his claws are clear.
Skills: Healing and Fighting

Proof of Purchases:

-1st Character Slot [In Use By Allen Walker]
-2nd Character Slot [In Use By Arietta Lore]
-3rd Character Slot [In Use By Félicien Ambroise Desgroire]
-4th Character Slot [In Use By Ganta Hellstrom-Lore]
-5th Character Slot [In Use By Marina Agatsuma]
-6th Character Slot [In Use By Shrike Destruction]
-7th Character Slot [In Use By Sunniva Jarvela]
-8th Character Slot [In Use By Thanatos Adravendi]
-9th Character Slot [In Use By Einarr Akemason]
-10th Character Slot [In Use By Bernadette Black]
-11th Character Slot [In Use By Sequoyah Cypress Dominique-Netonya]
-12th Character Slot [In Use By Kar Savvil] First Paid Slot
-13th Character Slot [In Use By Akemi Miu Hróðvitnisdottir] Second Paid Slot
-14th Character Slot [In Use By Thalos Destruction] Third Paid Slot
-15th Character Slot [In Use By Forsaken Armada-Lore] Fourth Paid Slot
-16th Character Slot [In Use By Mieu] Fifth Paid Slot
-17th Character Slot [In Use By Svetlana Xanilov] Sixth Paid Slot
-18th Character Slot [In Use By Pamela Arrow] Seventh Paid Slot
-19th Character Slot [In Use By Naoise Sorrell-Savvil] Eighth Paid Slot
-20th Character Slot [In Use By Hakku Hutashi] Ninth Paid Slot
-21st Character Slot [In Use By Simurgh Ancora-Adravendi] Tenth Paid Slot
-22nd Character Slot [In Use By Kaitlyn Falkenrath] Eleventh Paid Slot
-23rd Character Slot [In Use By Noen Walker] Twelfth Paid Slot
-24th Character Slot [In Use By Matthias Barnett] Thirteenth Paid Slot
-25th Character Slot [In Use By Castiel Mathúin Adravendi] Fourteenth Paid Slot
-26th Character Slot [In Use By Éponine Adravendi] Fifteenth Paid Slot
-27th Character Slot [In Use By Vitus Armada] Sixteenth Paid Slot
-28th Character Slot [In Use By Anselm Mircea Dragomir] Seventeenth Paid Slot

Character Slot 28