
[Claiming] An Omen In The Stars



9 Years
12-30-2015, 05:44 PM (This post was last modified: 12-30-2015, 05:44 PM by Creed.)

He'd been laying rather low as of late. Not that he had any one to hide from, but more like the quiet was peaceful. Ever since the ending of the siege he'd taken to exploring. With Hellstrom out of the way he knew it wouldn't be long before Surreal decided to stake her claim on the plains. With the idea of Celestial in his head he was more than excited. So he'd been more than happy to go out and make friends. He knew packs couldn't exist without allies, Hellstrom was proof of that, so he sought to improve their standings once the pack was created. It was also to his own gain as well. Other than Surreal he really hadn't any other friends. The more the merrier, right?

He'd been lingering in the south lately waiting for any sort of sign. When he finally did hear a call it wasn't the one he was expecting. It was a call from somewhere farther north, a masculine call, and it left Creed slightly confused. There was another pack forming? Dark spotted eyebrows knit together as he worried slightly. They'd certainly have to check this out. It wouldn't do them any good to have a repeat of the last pack, though at least these weren't claiming their home.

The next call that came was more pleasing. Now that was the one that he'd been waiting for. The voice was most certainly Surreal's and the power that came with it excited him. So he left the place he'd been lying and trotted swiftly to the boulder and the oak tree that Surreal had called from. She and her son were already there as well as some green girl he'd never seen before. Then there was the nomad wolf he'd seen at their last meeting. So far the turnout was looking quite well. Surely Surreal's mate and other children would arrive as well. It was finally time. He couldn't wait to have a pack to call home once again. It'd felt like forever. So he sat a little ways away from the others, leaving space for Surreal's family members to join in.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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