
Song of Waves


04-17-2013, 05:49 PM

Ocena had to admit that she appreciated the politeness, even if it was a bit over the top. She wasn't much, honestly. Though it was a nice change of pace. The wolves of Glaciem were far from rude, but it had been a while since any were as polite as this brown male was. He seemed to be charming enough, and he was surely a newer member of Glaciem, something that Ocena was glad to see. "No need to call me ma'am." Ocena spoke lightly, flicking her tail easily as she addressed the male, "My name's Ocena. What's yours?" Here the female tilted her head slightly, tail wagging slightly as she forward, examining the imposing structure before them.

The words scrawled across its shell meant nothing to the petite female. Instead, what drew her eye was the strange structure. "What do you suppose this is?" Ocena asked almost absently, nostrils flaring as she tried to take in its scent. But she smelled nothing other than wolves and ice. Nothing that hinted as to this thing's origins. Now, Ocena wasn't the most curious of wolves, but it was an interesting mystery. It wouldn't consume her life or anything, but it would certainly be interesting.

She paused, distracted from her musing thoughts by Genesis' words. "Welcome to the Pack, then! I'm a hunter with Glaciem. What rank were you placed in?" Ocena tilted her head slightly, tail wagging a little. She was glad to meet a fellow member of Glaciem in these lands. "Have you seen anything interesting out here?" She queried of the other, glancing at him curiously.
