
If you don't know, now you know



9 Years
Athena I
12-31-2015, 12:23 AM (This post was last modified: 12-31-2015, 12:25 AM by Leo.)

ooc: As peer our new OOC laws and the warning I posted at the beginning of the meeting, Nimue and Nalamimi have been removed from Fiori. Arivae has been demoted to Commoner and Epiphron has been demoted to Scholar. Everyone please take a look at all the laws and ooc laws and make sure that you understand them. The first post requirement check will take place on January 31st.

Slowly, too slowly he thought, wolves started to file in. He was a little surprised to see that Bright Moon was the first to arrive, but he was happy to see her all the same. She had been a surprisingly active member of the pack as of late and he gave her a friendly smile when she greeted him. "Hello, Bright Moon! It's good to see you too." Soon after he would feel his wife's familiar form press to his side as she sat beside him and he'd grin at her sing-song greeting and affections. He'd nuzzle into her neck and lick her cheek in response, equally as comfortable with displays of affections as she seemed to be. "Hey there, beautiful," he'd reply with a soft chuckle. The slight swell of her sides hadn't gone unnoticed by him in the slightest. He had been paying careful attention to all of her since she told him the news. Soon enough Amalia came bounding up to the meeting, followed by Athena and their two daughters. He smiled when he saw all of them together, a happy little family. Tiburtius showed up soon after as well, looking slightly troubled as he approached, but soon putting on a happy face for his mothers and sisters. He glanced at the younger man curiously, but he wouldn't say anything.

There was a heavy feeling in his chest though when he noticed some notable absences. With a pack this small it was easy to see who was there and who wasn't. The two newest members hadn't even gotten past their first rankings so he wasn't terribly surprised to see that they were absent. Disappointed, but not surprised. He was very surprised to see Arivae missing and realized that must be what was troubling Tib. One absence stood out to him above all the others though and it was the one that hurt and worried him the most. He waited for several more minutes, waiting to see if his mother would show, but he knew he couldn't keep the rest of his pack members waiting like this. It wasn't fair to them. He frowned and sighed quietly before finally beginning to speak.

"Well, I guess I should get started, hm? Thank you to those of you that came. I appreciate your quick response. I called all of you here because I realized that the pack was still being run in the same structure that my mother had given it to me in. While there is nothing wrong with that structure, I don't think it is working for myself as a leader. Because of this, I would like to make some changes to how Fiori is run, beginning with our ranks and laws." (Pretend that Leo explains all the ranks and laws and such here. You can go to the pack page to look at them all.) "So as you can see, there aren't huge, drastic changes to be worried about. Svetlana and myself will be the go to members of the pack should you need anything or have any problems until the positions in my Council are filled. Athena will remain as our lead fighter, now known as the Knight, and Amalia will still be our lead healer and will be known as a Countess." He'd pause, deciding what he wanted to say next before he continued. "I am going to be expecting a lot more out of the pack from now on. I know none of you here are the problem for this lack of activity the pack has been having recently. The fact that you arrived to the meeting so promptly shows me this. However, I do need all of your help in rebuilding Fiori and bringing it back to life."

He'd sigh and bring a smile back to his muzzle. "Now that all of the heavy matters are taken care of, I have some news to share. Well, Svetlana and I do." He'd glance at his wife with a chuckle before looking to those gathered around them. "The reason I'm so concerned with getting the pack back in order is... well, we are expecting children." He'd smile a little wider then, his tail brushing against the ground behind him. "I hope that you all will bare with us while we adjust to this next stage in our lives and will help make Fiori a safe place for all of us and all of our children as well." He'd glance to Amalia and Athena, making sure that they knew he included Jayne and Diana in that statement. He'd look to Bright Moon then, adding, "Bright, the position of lead hunter is available. Would you be interested in taking it?"

"Talk" "You" Think