
брат најмили



3 Years
Dire wolf
12-31-2015, 12:23 AM

Mithras was new to this whole 'border' thing, sure, but he was pretty sure random assholes weren't supposed to just prance across them. Sure, he'd only seen a flash of motion out of the corner of his eye, but he was pretty fricken' sure he'd seen something! With a huff he strode forward, a frown etched on his face as he braced himself for he first real confrontation as a leader. The wind was working against him, and despite his best efforts he couldn't get even a whiff of who was all up in his business. Not even a "Hello" call? The nerve of some people! Frankly, Mith was feeling downright disrespected.

He crested the ridge, doing what he could to keep his body low and concealed in the scrubby grass (a futile effort) until he was able to lay his eyes on the culprit. He scanned the horizon from side to side, hoping to find anything at all. It wasn't until the deviant broke her own cover (she was behind a hill) that he realized what exactly he was dealing with. Mithras dropped his jaw and his eyes bugged out all on their own. This couldn't be real life... Seriously! His sister was supposed to be dead, but he would recognize that pelt anywhere! A series of expletives fell out of his mouth before he called out in disbelief, "Cerse?" His paws began to move, and all at once he was racing towards her as fast as his limbs would go.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!