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12-31-2015, 12:34 AM

It took a very long time for him to find her, far too long. Sure he must be knew to this whole "alpha" thing, but his reaction time had got to be better than that! She could almost click her tongue at him. She moved along the grass before she heard the familiar, but also so unfamiliar, voice call out her for. Tilting her head slightly, shed glance behind her at the hill she had walked over. He seemed to glow in the depth of the nights, and she could almost feel her breath being stolen away. A wave of happiness washed over her, and she smiled wide as he sped towards her. He was everything she remembered, and yet so different as well. No longer were they scrawny teenagers on the cusp of adult hood, now they were full grown, massive beasts. The time had been kind to him, his freedom a gift. She felt nothing but an overwhelming sense of happiness that it brought tears to her expressive eyes.

As he approached at his break neck speed, she would turn fully to him and smile her kind smile. She had missed him so dearly, but she wasn't a fool to think that time hadnt changed anything. There could be ill feelings, there could be something. She didn't want to go to him and throw her arms around him only to have her hear broken. Not that he would, she trusted him in that sense. But one could not be too careful. There had been others she loved, others she had vowed true loyalty too, that had betrayed her. "Hello brother. " She said in her smooth tones, voice accented and rich. "Long time no see." She wouldn't move to him, wouldn't shift a muscle. He could come to her, but that was his move to take. "Youve been busy..." She remarked, deep citrus eyes never leaving her brother for a moment. Oh, she missed him so.

"Talk" "You" Think