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3 Years
Dire wolf
12-31-2015, 09:09 AM

He couldn't believe his eyes. He literally could not because in front of him was a wolf that was supposed to be dead. He and Caia had fled their homeland because they were supposed to be dead, how was this happening? He darted his snout outwards, brushing her fur the smallest bit, terrified that it might prove her to be the apparition he suspected she was, but instead... it tickled. She was real, she was there in front of him, she was alive. Tears pricked his eyes as the large man reared up andflung his arms around her in a mighty bear hug, laughing all the while. If it was a dream, fine. Let him dream on.

She had grown so much since they were scrawny adolescents! She had filled into the same mature frame he had, and it suited her well. She looked a woman now, and he had every intention of scaring off the hordes of men bound to be after her affection. He wanted to know everything, where she'd come from, what had happened, but most of all... How. How had she done it? And what about the others? But he could not force the words past his lips, he was still drowning in giddy laughter. At long last he managed, "Where... how...?" but that was all. He could not contain himself, and to be honest he didn't much want to try.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!