
брат најмили


12-31-2015, 11:00 AM

She could have laughed at the look on his face, if she wasn't sure she was making the same face. Her eyes shone with every emotion she could ever feel. She was a mix of everything in the universe as he stood before her. Angry at the wasted time, disappointed in how alive he seemed and well his life had turned out, beyond happy to see him again. There was love and affection and if he hadn't moved first she would probably be the one throwing her arms around him. A delicate laugh bubbled from her lips as he wrapped around her, stumbling a bit at the added weight but keeping her footing easily. She'd lift one paw to touch his side, her chin tilting to try and press against his neck in her own form of a hug. His laughter was contagious, and a few giddy giggles fell from her lips as she nuzzled into his fur. Oh she missed him, so much.

When he asked the question she knew he'd ask, she would swallow at the lump in her throat and move to take a step back out of his embrace. "After you escaped...they had rounded us up, poisoned us and left us to die as gifts to the gods." She said softly, looking down at the ground. she had rehearsed this the previous night, and the near year she had been travelling. It was part of her, a very large part of her that it almost hurt to speak. But he had to know the truth, because just her being alive had shattered some of what he had known to be true. "Someone came, they gave me a cure, and told me to flee. I didn't have time to ask questions, I didn't have time to help the rest of our family. Im not sure what became of them. The wolf who healed me told me the pack would come, soon, they would be alerted...I'm not sure." She whispered then, ears falling back as she stared to the side. It was awful, really. She had survived, given the miracle to live, and she had done nothing to help the rest of their family. "I fled, searching for you and Caia. It took a long time. For as big as we are, you two are awfully difficult to find." She whispered in a sad attempt at a joke. She shifted on her paws and braved a look at her brother, hoping that disappointment was not what she would see.
