
To Hell in a Blizzard



5 Years
12-31-2015, 06:07 PM

Getting lost in the north had been her last thought went she went to look for a new cave. Before she knew it she was caught up in the gusts of wind and getting buffed around by the high speeds, and had no idea where she even was. Her burning ember eyes had sought out any source of shelter from the fucking snow. Stupid damn winter could kiss her furry black ass! She hated this season with a passion, hated it with as much fire as her soul could muster. She had been a damned fool for thinking about even coming out in the winter, she should have kept herself in a cave and just slept the season away. But no, she needed to get out and try to be more active for Volt. And now she was lost. Growling she kicked at the snow at her paws, only to have it blow up into the wind and right back into her face. Snarling she snapped at the flakes and the wind, getting a mouthful of air and cold flakes. Okay, that was it!. She needed to find a cave or even a freaking hollow log to hide into before she lost her damned mind.

Squinting hard against the buffering wind she tried to spot anything to squeeze her form in to, when the blackness of a looming cave made itself known. Finally! Fighting against the blasting winds she pushed into the cave, letting out a deep breath as she flopped dramatically to her side on the cold floor. The wind echoed in the cave, and she just fought to regain her breath. Everything was full of cold ice and burr. She didn't even want to move, let alone lift up her head to even look around. If there were badgers here she would kick the shit out of them so that she could stay here. There was no way in hell she was going back out there. Taking in a deep breath, she finally realized that there was something else in this cave. Someone else. Her eyes peeked open and she saw a big looming form of someone who could very well be related to her. His form was black with muted reds across his form. Blinking her eyes she couldn't help but admit that he was good looking. He looked like her, so of course he looked good. Chuckling softly at herself she squinted at him, ears still ringing from the wind. "Hope you don't mind the company, cause I ain't moving buddy." she said, maybe a little too loudly. It was hard enough to hear over the wind outside, and it felt like she was yelling in her head. Oh well, she didn't care. Sides heaved as she rolled back to her belly, resting her red marked face on her flame licked legs. Looks like she wasn't the only one trying to escape the storm, and she wasn't about to fight off company.
