
Trespasser Alert!



5 Years
12-31-2015, 07:37 PM

She was skeptical of this "pack" thing and what it entailed. Why'd Da have to go cramping her style with all this business anyway? She was doing just fine escaping and wandering on her own in the southern continent, but then he'd dragged her and the others up into this cold, arid place in the middle of what she'd been informed was winter, and plopped them down and said they were a pack. A pack! She grumbled and shuffled her paws through the snow angrily as she kicked her way further and further away from the den she'd escaped from to explore. They didn't need no stinkin' pack! No one else could keep up with them anyway!

She stopped short, ears flicking towards a strange sound even as the wind puffed a strange scent in her nose. Her eyes finally caught the dark-and-gold body of a boy her age flopped down in the willows. What?! What the heck was this?! A stranger, in their lands?! Now she didn't understand most of this pack stuff, but she did understand one thing: it meant that this land was THEIRS THEIRS THEIRS and no one else's, but now there was a someone-else rolling around in THEIR willows and getting their icky gross stinkiness all over!

Leto swelled up with indignation and rage. HOW DARE HE BE IN HER LANDS?! Her ears pinned back and her eyes narrowed as her night-and-fire hackles bristled. AND HE THOUGHT HE WAS JUST GOING TO NAP THERE DID HE? Leto's legs spread into a bulldoggish stance, shoulders hunched forward and her head dropping to her shoulder's height, her little puppy claws digging into the earth and her nebulous tail bristling and lashing at the level of her hips. Her lips peeled away from her fangs, bunching up the skin on her face in angry wrinkles and folds over her forehead and muzzle. Largely untrained other than what she'd picked up tussling with her sister, she instead reacted simply as anger and instinct compelled her to. These were HER LANDS.

With a screeching battlecry she threw herself forward, attempting to close the lengthy distance between her and the other pup at a clumsy sprint, seeking to come up from behind and the right towards his midsection, at severely acute angle facing towards his head. With no explanation and no warning past the furious sound, she attempted to bodyslam the whole underside of her chest down on the bigger pup's belly right under his solar plexus, trying to drive the wind right out of him. Maybe he'll puke! she crowed with vindictive glee to herself, and attempted to wrap her forepaws around his middle on either side - her right paw around his left side and her left around his right - in an attempt to cling to him like a burr and keep him from escaping. As she did she tilted her head to her right and attempted to bury her puppy fangs into the sensitive fold of skin connecting his left foreleg to his chest in the hopes that she could get a grip there and really really really hurt him.

Round 1/?
