



5 Years
12-31-2015, 09:16 PM

Astrea true to her word to Voltage had been away mostly. She was constantly searching for little Illume, so much so that she had slowly started to decay in her health. She was much thinner and paler than she was before her nieces loss and frankly she was not nearly done looking. No she would not give up on the light of the pack, she would search for her until she is found or she falls over dead...

Astrea pulled her weary body back home, her mind still focusing on those locations she had already look along the coast... She had not moved far in the hope that the current had not pulled her off to sea and brought the pup back to land but had not found head nor tail of the child... Astrea could not help but feel and little discouraged but unlike her beloved brother she would not let that feeling consume her, she will never give up on little Illume. But with that in mind she again needed a little rest and food, and Zori needed rest as well, the poor bird seemed to be as determined as Astrea was to find the girl and was flying herself into the ground.

Astrea hummed to herself as the cool night seemed to grow colder as the wind pelted her face, she felt Zori's protest as she burrowed deeper into Astrea's fur. The Star Dreamer closed her eyes and faced into the wind, letting it hit her fur and think about what she was to do next. She would take a few days to recoup and then she would go north to the beaches closer to the volcano, with that she would be gone for a little bit longer than her current trips where... But she was willing to give up parts of her life for the family, she was willing to give everything up just so that Voltage got his happiness back...

Her feathers rustled as the wind shifted again and another scent slammed into her. She gasped, her eyes snapping open as she turned and saw the figure walking through the field toward her. Her eyes widened as she realized what her nose was telling her. "Selini," Astrea whispered to herself as the moon dancer moved closer without seeing her star speckled sister. Astrea did not move her sister came right upon her and then she spoke loud enough for the other to hear. "Welcome home sister."