
[Claiming] An Omen In The Stars



4 Years
12-31-2015, 11:43 PM

She had been hovering around the western regions, continuing her loner life like she had for the past season. However, for the few days she had spent in the dry, arid lands, there had been a skip in her step as she carried out each task warily. To think she would soon be a part of a new pack...hopefully. She would see her friend again, and her life would take on another drastic change. Though doubt still drifted in her mind, interrupting her positive vibe. What if he had been lying? What if there was no pack to join? What if he had abandoned her, just like everyone else? No! she internally screamed. There is a pack, and you will join it.

It was the same process all over again - hoping and waiting. All she needed to hear was a howl, and when that day came, she couldn't believe her ears. Of course he wouldn't let her down; he was her friend, and she believed in him. So she followed the summoning call to an open expanse of lush grassland, a sight to behold in the west. For a moment she returned to her memories, feeling like she was attending another meeting in Threar. Though when she saw the large group of wolves already gathered, her mind snapped back into reality. Had this Surreal accumulated so many recruits? She couldn't imagine these canines becoming familiar faces, her pack-mates, her new family. It brought an ache to her heart, reminding her of how dearly she missed her old pack - her old family. But that life wasn't coming back; it never was.

Scanning the crowd, a familiar pelt of white stood out from the intriguing coats of red and green. Her eyes lit up with joy, and she bounded towards him with child-like energy. She flopped her rump onto the ground beside him, settling herself onto her haunches. Breathless, she grinned at the yellow-eyed male. "I told you I would come," she said with a laugh, her multicoloured gaze sparkling with ecstatic happiness. Somehow she had forgotten about the foreign canines and the fact that the pack wasn't Threar. Everything just felt great.
