
If you don't know, now you know

Bright Moon


6 Years
01-01-2016, 12:57 AM
Bright smiled softly as Leo greeted her, then watched as the man's wife came to greet him affectionately. It was a happy picture to see such a loving couple. Silver eyes lingered over Svetlana's frame for a moment - something had changed since the couple's wedding, something she was quite familiar with herself. Could it be that they were expecting? Bright hoped so, pups were a blessing and an absolute joy. She was soon pulled from her musings as Amalia appeared, greeting Leo and then herself and Svet energetically, pup-like excitement wriggling in her petite form. Bright smiled to the woman who'd helped her with her injury. "Amalia!" she said warmly with a dip of her head, "How have you been?" She assumed well, for the woman appeared friendly and chipper as ever.

Once again she was distracted, silver eyes wandering to another silver-coated woman, two sweet pups following along closely. This must have been the mother and pups she'd scented on her routine walks about the territory. She hoped to get to know them soon. Then a somewhat familiar face appeared - Tiburtius - and Bright cast her gaze around the man, assuming she would see Arivae not far behind. The two had seemed close at Fiori's last gathering. But the young woman was nowhere to be seen. She was concerned by the woman's absence, and would look for her after their leader finished the meeting. Bright turned to Leo as he began to speak. She nodded slightly at each pause, the end of each idea, absorbing his words and new desires for the pack's future.

When all of the pack business was covered, he would move to lighter news, and Bright felt the tip of her tail twitching, ready to wag. She was sure she knew what he was going to say. Then it came out, that he and his wife were expecting a litter. Her black-tipped tail brushed through the snow - what joy! More pups for this pack that was quickly stealing her heart. Surprised when she suddenly heard her name, she stared at Leo, ebony ears pressed forward. She was being offered a new position? "O-oh!" she stammered bashfully, glancing around at the other wolves gathered, then looking back to Leo, nodding vigorously, "I-I'd be honored! Thank you Leo, I will do my best to provide for Fiori!" Tail continued to wag, proud for being recognized, and determined to do well - she would not let these wolves down after being trusted with this position.