
Of The Seasons!


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
01-01-2016, 02:00 AM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2016, 12:25 PM by Evelyn.)
You may have noticed that we haven't been doing of the months, and we are happy to announce that we are bringing them back with a few changes! We noticed that of the months were simply too frequent and happened too fast to really hold people's interest, or get good solid nominations up there. So we have changed it to of the seasons, and they will be posted on the first few days of the season change. All categories will remain the same, and this time we even have little trophies for you to show off your winnings! Only for character of the season and duo of the season at this time.

As said above, there are a few changes and things that staff would like to make clear about of the seasons. The nominations that go up will be for the past season, so say if it's now Spring year 7, the nominations will be for ACTIVE characters, packs, and couples in winter year 6. We would really like to see active nominations going up for characters and people who were here and active in the past season, no more nominating for the sake of nominating. For this reason we are now asking for a small explanation of why you are nominating that particular person/pack/character ect. It doesn't have to be much, just a few words about why you think they deserve it!

Keep in mind: don't just nominate someone you like. Nominate someone who has been active, interesting, and participating in plots, or someone who stands out for their unique ideas and deserves to be recognized for them!

You have until January 8th to get your nominations in.

<B>Member of the season: </b>
<b>Why they deserve it: </b>

<b>Character of the season: </b>
<b>Why they deserve it: </b>

<b>Thread of the season: </b> Must take place in past season
<b>Why they deserve it: </b>

<b>Duo of the season: </b>
<b>Why they deserve it: </b>

<b>Pack of the season: </b>
<b>Why they deserve it: </b>

My focus needs more focus.