
Our greatest fear realized



6 Years
Extra large
01-01-2016, 02:51 AM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2016, 02:52 AM by Glacier.)

Glacier's giatn form was able to curl about the smaller frame of his wife and the tiniest frames of his children with ease. It gave him peace to lie like that, in the knowledge that anyone would have to step over or through the boy to get anywhere near his family. His titan paws twitched against Anais's side in his content dreams, perhaps he even dreamed about holding them all close to his heart. The moment was so serene that the happenings in the outside would would be almost surreal. Yet, Voltage's cry of alarm would leave no doubt that something was wrong and Glacier would awaken with a start. He jumped to his feet and ran to the exit – both to guard the one entrance into their home and to find out what was wrong. He exited the den and didn't even reach the end of the tunnel before he felt the curl of water about his paws. He froze in alarm. It was already deep enough out here that the moment in entered their den it would be sufficient to drown his little ones.

“Anais, Anais!” his alarm was more of a hiss, in an attempt not to startle their children. He was really worried, to get to the Prairie, Anais would have to swim. Would she be able to keep a child in the air as she did so? He gently gripped the closed about the scruff of its neck – the silver girl with blue tones, his little frost. She awoke with a startled cry and opened up her lungs for the world to hear. She was going to be a strong child, no doubts there but he grimaced as he tried to hush her through the folds of the coat he held between his teeth. He waited for Anais to do the same with their other child before they could exit together. He needed Anais to be in front of him so he could watch her every step of the way. even as they reached the entrance, the water swirling at their paws, and a little child between his teeth he started to howl for his family. was every one safe? could everyone get to safety? he ached to plunge into the depths of the water and not surface until he had found every last one of his siblings, but his child had to come first.
