
Our greatest fear realized



5 Years
01-01-2016, 12:22 PM

Oh crap. Locha's eyes whipped open as she felt water surround her paws. The ROAR of the water deafened her as it poured into her den. Oh crap. Without a moment to hesitate, she jumped up and stared towards the roof of her den. The beach was flooding. She needed to get out and to the others. She knew she had a little bit of time but not much, seeing as her own den was closer to the sea then the rest of her family's. She quickly hopped up, trying her hardest not to slip on the slick rocks and she reached air.

Oh crap. She could barely see the black sands of her home anymore. Whipping her head 'round at the sound of her brothers' cry she ran, faster than she ever had before, along the cliffs to the tunnels. She knew without a doubt that she was by far and she cursed herself for not starting swimming lessons when she could. It seems she'd made this same horrible mistake twice in less than half a year. She pushed it to the back of her mind. Right now, she needed everyone out. She skidded into the tunnels and barked as loud as she could. Everyone needed to get out now. Already she could feel the first trickled of water cutting through the sandy bottom of the dens.

Diving into the family den she barked again.
"Everyone, wake up! We need to get out. If you need help, come to me! " she yelled. There was no time to explain or to be delicate about it lives were on the line here. Eyes scanning the bodies around her, she knew she needed help for this, but chances were Glacier and Voltage were busy with their own families. She's so the best she could.

"Burn Baby Burn"