



5 Years
01-01-2016, 10:10 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

With the way her mate's eyes glittered and gleamed, full of mischief and fun, Anais knew better than to take anything he said seriously. He might have adopted that tone, one that sounded as if he honestly considered her words and was serious about his response, but there was nothing serious about the twinkle in his eye or the grin upon his lips. The joyous little hunter giggled again and kissed his cheek as her tail wagged, smiling down at him even as he lifted one his paws and "booped" her nose. Nothing - nothing - could have made her happier, made the present moment better than it already was.

She appreciated his softly spoken promise, the knowledge that, in this respect, Glacier spoke pure truth, and leaned her head down to nuzzle him another time. "I will. And I'll appreciate everything you do to help me," she promised back, vowing herself to be a good first-time mother. Having seen first hand what effects pregnancy put on females, even if only in her mother, Anais understood that it was not all sunshine and rainbows. But somehow - with Glacier's help - she was going to get through it, and she would be happy too.

Thoughts of her parents renewed the ache she felt over their loss, made her longing for them burn again, but she knew her brothers would be happy for her. Reminded of Glacier's family, her thoughts became less certain. How would they react to the news? Did they know she and their brother were this serious in their relationship? That pups had even been a possibility? Her brow knit, her golden eyes going thoughtful as she peered down at Glacier, still lying with his head propped atop her forepaws. "What do you think your family will say?" she asked quietly, trying for a casual, curious tone to hide her own insecurity.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.