
I just wanna live



4 Years
01-01-2016, 11:37 PM
» tag for xephyris «
» not the best but here is maverick xD «

It was like seeing ghost from his past. Except, the she wolf was not really in his past per say. Yes, they have met before. But the last time they did met, it was only brief and had no big impact on his life. It was not like she was important in his life, just a passing by canine he just happened to bump into. The she wolf did offer him food the first time, even though she was a starving mother herself and he was an able body loner male. And just a few days ago, offered him a place to call in her up and coming pack. So why is it that he felt so guilty for leaving her behind? It’s not like he liked her or anything. She had a mate and children for heavens sake. Maverick growled at himself, hating this side of him.

The ebony headed lupus grunted as he moved across the sandy barren, unsure of where he was going. His strides were liquid in movement, moving more like a feline than a canine. Muscular shoulder blades rose and fell with each stride he took, worn paw pads barely left a print in the dried out and cracked earth below him. Warm digits flickered over the vast open space of wasteland, looking for something to drink. However, mix in the heat waves of red, brown, tan, and white landscape was a figure that appeared to be in a shape of another canine.

Ripped ears erected, his once stealthily stance became more rigid and alert. Was this another mirage? The battle worn canine tried to focus, his steps slowed to a halt as he tried to figure out if he was seeing thing again. Maverick took on his famous stance. Scarred head held high with confidence, his chest out with pride, his tail raised to the point of curl, ears erected, and his warm orange digits directly on the distant creature. But Mavi’s stance was not dominate one or threatening really, just a very self-assured lone male in the presence of a lone wolf. What that Surreal? What was she doing over here?

Tail wagged slightly at the thought the maybe Surreal come after him. But, abruptly stop when he realized he was doing it. Ears fell back as he approached the wolf. But as the male got closer to the blurry shadowed figure, Mav soon realized his illusion of Surreal disappeared and another wolf replaced it. Instead, a male appeared before him. Maverick’s soften expression shifted into his more normal flat emotionless mask as he come up to the wolf, making his presences clearly known to the male. “Hello,” the battle worn canine greeted with an even flat tone, “Are you familiar with this land? Do you know where a loner like me can find some good food and water to tie him off for a bit?”

this table was made by seadragoness of alacritis