
Gone Astray



5 Years
01-02-2016, 12:38 AM
Walking through the night engulfed forest is a lone carmine figure, who's head is hanging sadly toward the earth. Even though she is exhausted, cold, and hungry she does not stop walking. Her steps are slow and unbalanced, and her snake companion has to hiss into her ear to keep her awake. She yips aloud every couple steps, her cries filled with sorrow and pain. Marco has been missing for a week now, and despite her searching day and night there are no signs of him anywhere. It just didn't make sense. They had gone to sleep together under an old oak tree, and the next morning he was gone. No scent trail, no signs of a struggle. Just nothing. It wasn't like him, he was so loyal to her, it just didn't make any sense. He always came when she called.

Her stomach rumbles in protest, but she ignores it. Her limbs feel like jello, and her throat is extremely dry and sore. Her usually flawless pelt is matted and tangled. She ignores that too. The only thing she can think about is her little wolverine and where he could have gone. She will not stop searching, will not stop calling until she finds him. Even if she found him in pieces, she has to know what happened. Not even exhaustion, dehydration, or sickness can stop her. He is the only thing she loves in this world, the only being she can truly call her own.

Ooc- I would prefer a thread with someone who would like to help her look for Marco :)

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"