
Baited Breath

Sparrow I


7 Years
01-02-2016, 05:05 AM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2016, 05:05 AM by Sparrow I.)
She broke him... yup... she was fairly certain that was what was happening here. She stared, her eyes wide as he went off. She had to make a list in her head. So... her aunt had come here and these... these here his half siblings? Sparrow was genuinely surprised. Who was his mother. Did Sparrow know her husband had other kid... the youngest? He had multiple kids? Sparrow shook her head slightly, trying to listen. So, her aunt wooed his father and they had pups. That made Ashmedai not the youngest and he was convinced that these pups would replace him and that his father would love them more? Okay... Sparrow could kind of understand maybe why he was worried. She didn't know what she would do if her father took on a new wife but... "It's not the pup's faults! It's not even Rhythm's fault! Your dad knew what he was doing too! He knew what he was doing when you were made too! I doubt he will love you any less because he's in love with my aunt!"

She was yelling now. Ashmedai said they would be weak and that it would have been better if they weren't born. Sparrow gasped, "How DARE you SAY that?! All life is precious and needs to be celebrated! These pups are innocent! Just because you're worried about your father loving you doesn't mean these pups shouldn't have been born! Why don't you just go talk to your dad about it, huh? How can you say you want nothing to do with them when you don't even give them a chance? Didn't your dad and older siblings give you a chance when you were born? Give these guys a chance! They are precious and deserve at LEAST that, Ashmedai!"