
Oh no!



7 Years
01-02-2016, 12:38 PM

Amalia's smile only grew bigger and bigger as she watched Diana's paw lift up, only to receive a sharp talking to for going to itch at her face. She didn't want to laugh at the girl, it was obvious that she was quite serious. Her paw was not allowed to touch her face, no matter what. Biting her lower lip she leaned forward, nuzzling her daughters nose with her own in a loving gesture. She adored her kids so much, and she was so lucky to now have one that looked just like her. Her own little mini her. In a lot of waits Di was just like her, except for the fact that the girl was very shy and quiet. That was for sure something that Amalia was not, and had a hard time being. Jayne seemed to pick up on her energy, and she loved that in both of her daughters she saw so much of herself and her wife. At last they had gotten what they had been waiting for, and she wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

The russet faced woman eyed her daughter thoughtfully, she could see the burning desire of questions behind those green eyes. She did the same thing, hold back everything that she wondered so that she wouldn't overwhelm whoever she was talking to. She never forced them out and bit her tongue, but she wished that Diana would ask all that she wanted to know. Amalia was here to teach, to help her spread her wings and find her place here in this world. Diana's sudden song like voice reached her and she snapped back to attention, beaming down at her daughter as her deep blue eyes grew damp. She wanted to be just like her? Really? Amalia chuckled when the girl needed to stop and ask for clarification on what it was that she really did. "I'm a healer, darling. The head healer, actually. I am in charge of training all the other healers as well as helping out anyone in need. And Diana," she said, scooting closer so that she could wrap herself around the growing girl. "I love you so much sweetie. You really do mean the world to me."
