
While Shepherds Watched their Flocks



10 Years
01-02-2016, 02:26 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2016, 02:35 PM by Harmony.)
Her niece was the first to appear, her usual exuberance seeming to be unaffected by the chill. Harmony was glad to see her determination to learn, and returned her grin with a gentle smile of her own and brushed her cheek against the girl's. "Just staying warm in my den whenever I can. I'll leave the playing in the snow for you young people," she joked, then lifted her eyes with a welcoming smile as Lilliana also appeared and took a seat. The girl wasn't a healer, but she was welcome to learn regardless - a small knowledge of healing was beneficial to anyone. The young man from Yfir had also taken a seat, fidgeting uncomfortably and meeting no one's gaze. There number was rounded out by the earthen form of one of her young relatives from Threar. She waited a while longer, but her ears drooped slightly in disappointment when no one else appeared. There were many healers in Abaven, and they could all use some training, but it did not seem there were many interested in learning from her. Starling had some training from Arian, she understood, but she would have expected him to be eager to continue his training within the pack. Shaye - as far as she knew Shaye had never trained with the pack, nor had a dedicated teacher. She certainly could have benefited from this. Shrike and Shai were both healer-fighters as well, but both were absent.

She sighed regretfully. She wasn't going to force her niece and nephews to come to the meetings she called - they were both adults now, and their lives were their own to live, and she was not any higher a rank than most of them. But she was painfully disappointed that they were not choosing to live up to their potential within the pack. Both had been born into a life of comfort and safety within the pack here. They could have accomplished so much with their lives without needing to worry about simple survival...

But she had four students now who wanted to be here, and who had come expecting her to teach them. She smiled at them all, and began. "Good morning everyone. It seems we'll have a small group today but that will just make things faster so we can cover more, right? You may have noticed that it's winter," she joked, "and a little chilly, and a little wet, and we're often in closer physical contact with each other in our dens and in general to stay warmer, all of which can lower our immune systems. As such I'd like to discuss a disease that is more prevalent at this time of year - and very dangerous." Her voice dropped into seriousness. "Pneumonia is what we call a specific series of respiratory problems generally characterized by a fever with chills, a wet cough, a struggle to breath, exhaustion, headaches, muscle pain, nausea, and also sometimes vomiting. Some strains are difficult to treat, and can be fatal. The elderly and the very young are more likely to succumb to it, but there are a few things we can do to help."

She took a deep breath and rummaged through her herbs, drawing forth a familiar bulb shape. First, she should introduce it to any that weren't familiar with it. "This is garlic. This type tends to grow in places that were once cultivated by humans, but there are also forms of wild garlic as well." She rolled it to Sparrow to examine and pass around the small group. "There are a few ways you can use this depending on what other treatments you're using with it. You could make a paste and rub it onto the chest for a couple minutes - rubbing is important as it helps to clear the fluid from the lungs - or mash it into an oil and apply it to the paw pads, or to the chest and ribcage, or the patient can ingest a small amount of it in warm water like a broth. Only a small amount, mind you, since too much of it can be harmful to our kind. Warm water is hard to come by in the winter, but I'm considering a few ways and if any of you have ideas please share." She passed a weary smile around them, questioning, and waited for them to all finish examining the garlic and discuss.

OOC: If you don't plan on replying to this round at all please let me know so my next post will go up faster. Remember that if you're doing this for skill points you need to participate in 4+ rounds.