
While Shepherds Watched their Flocks



7 Years

01-02-2016, 03:02 PM
Only one other would show up - a young male whom she'd never seen before. The girl frowned, studying him with curiosity. Why hadn't she met him? She would have to do that, most definitely. Her gaze would switch to Harmony, and the healer waited a few more moments before starting. Lillianna would be rather surprised by the small numbers; none of the healers had appeared, none that she knew, anyways, other than Sparrow. Starling wasn't here, nor Shaye; where were they? Why weren't they getting trained? Frowning, she glanced around - nope, nada, nothing. No familiar brown or blue furred forms were approaching. She knew Shaye was still learning, and Starling was a fully trained healer, but isn't there always something more to learn?

Speaking of learning - Harmony began to speak, and Lillianna's ears would prick and strain forward, giving the healer her full attention. It was a good thing she did, because the flow of information made Lillianna's eyes blink rapidly. So much information, the girl had trouble processing it all. Pneumonia...respiratory - was that breathing? she thought so - more so in winter, symptoms have coughing (what's a wet cough?), chills, headaches... exhaustion... sometimes vomiting? She knew she was forgetting some - she'd ask for clarification in a moment, because Harmony was already continuing on.

An herb was pulled forth, and Lillie leaned forward to attempt to look at it. It was passed to Sparrow, and the girl would wait patiently for it to be passed to her so she could examine it further. She could smell it already, and recalled seeing these before - but they had a purpose? Huh. Apparently rubbing it on the chest... what would that help with? The - oh! That was one of the symptoms, troubled breathing. And coughing. Now how it would help on paws she had no clue, but hey, Harmony was done talking.

"Is the rubbing it on the chest and whatnot to help troubled breathing and coughing?" she questioned, head tilting at Harmony. "And why apply it to paw pads? What does that help with?" She fell silent then, not yet wondering about the hot water - she was focused on the other things that came first.

"Speech" "Language" "Farrym"
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.