


04-17-2013, 10:17 PM
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." ? ? ? Thought. ? ? ? 397.

The counteraction to her speech was met by greedy pupils that thirsted for any trace of disappointment or a flicker of rage but were quenched by the complete and utter horror that warped his developing countenance, giving him a malevolent aura that emanated from the intricately-patterned hide of his and touched the bland and pallid fur upon her, causing the ends to bristle in excitement and triumph. She had managed to deter that single iota of respect he held for his family before it germinated and blossomed back into an undying love and willingness to be close again; she had yanked the metaphorical bud from the very earth it was planted in so that there would be no future chance for it to grow again. Despite the fire that kindled within her chest, spreading its warmth throughout the remainder of her body, the woman?s expression was static and apathetic even as his inner turmoil surfaced in the form of disbelieving vocalizations and then an array of attacks to a nearby tree, equivalent to a child?s temper-tantrum. He did not, however, turn the full fury of his childish wrath upon his queen, who, while watching the entire scene unfold, did everything within her capability to chock back the chortle that had quickly surmounted within her throat. Although amusing his immature fit was, the white witch could not help but feel somewhat appalled that anyone could house such a temper ? especially one that she was about to offer a difficult mission that bade for utmost patience.

?Well, your body belongs to Valhalla, anyway,? she mused aloud, her pupils sweeping over the male whose claws were raking down the face of a tree, mutilating the bark there, as she pivoted away from the brute, her pupils now swinging upwards as she waited for the male?s undivided attention. A statement like she had just made was sure to pique his interest, and she had faith that it would even through his tantrum. Once she was certain she had captivated his attention once more, she continued, her tone still holding a bit of sorrow to them: ?Your mind, your heart, your soul ?? whatever?s left of it, ??Can still belong to Tortuga, see.? She would continue no further and would await his reaction before she allowed her plot to surface. The Grand Reveal would be something marvelous, she would ensure that.