
As the moon chases the sun



8 Years
Athena I
01-03-2016, 01:23 AM

As Selini spoke, he followed her gaze down to the pool and their gazes met from their reflections, his vibrant orange gaze finding the reflection of her pale golden eyes for a moment before they closed and she tucked her head against her chest. A sigh passed his lips and his gaze dropped down to his mismatched front paws. The forgiving, self-less part of him wanted to forgive her. He just wanted to brush everything under the rug and pretend nothing happened so everything could go back to normal... but he knew he couldn't do that. He thought back on the year of worry, sleepless nights, the endless searching. That was a year he would never get back.

"I know you are," he finally replied, his voice soft. He pulled his eyes up to her face again and with a moment of hesitation he reached over and gently pressed his nose to her cheek. "I know you're sorry... But I can't just say it's alright either. I don't hold a grudge, I'm not mad... I'm just sad. And relieved. Very relived." A knot of emotions welled up in his throat and he swallowed hard around it and the tears that threatened to well up in his eyes. "I thought I had lost you forever, Sel..." His ears fell back against his skull and he had to let his eyes drift back down to his paws again. "I looked for you almost every day once I realized you were gone. It was like you just... vanished. I was just so... I was scared. What happened with Volt's daughter was awful, but at least they knew what happened. I didn't have a lead to go on... I-I felt like I was the only one really looking after a while and I just got so..." His eyes shut and he shook his head against all of the emotions and memories that threatened to overwhelm him.

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