
Our greatest fear realized



5 Years
01-03-2016, 03:59 AM

Terrae Elementas

He awoke with a gasp, shocked by the frigid water that lapped at his paws. Wait a minute...there was water in the den. Scrambling to his paws, he stood against the wall with his heart pounding in his chest, searching for what dry floor he could stand on. With such a jerk his companion had fallen from his skull with a squeak of surprise. Making a small splash, the hedgehog tumbled into the water though quickly scurried up the canine's leg before the tide could pull him away. In a rhythmic flow, the water pulled back and forth with the tide, covering more of the den with each forward approach. Already the water had risen to his ankles and wasn't afraid to rise further. What had happened? Was the beach flooding? What if someone was hurt? In that case he'd have to get his herbs anguished cry erupted from his throat the sight. "No no no no no no," he hissed, furiously picking up each soaked leaf and flower from the water's surface. There wasn't much to save anyway, but he cared for his plants too much to waste them. As the tide swept the remaining herbs away from his reach, he grunted and trudged out from his den to almost lost his footing in the water. The beach! It truly had flooded! Sweeping his bronze gaze across the area, he found the familiar forms making their way to the prairie. Galloping ungracefully through the water with the herbs between his teeth and a hedgehog clinging to his back, he slowly reached his family and set the damp herbs on the untouched ground. "Anyone hurt?" he asked breathlessly.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*