
Oh no!


01-03-2016, 04:08 AM

Ah, a healer was what her mother was. Of course! It made sense. She healed, therefore she was a healer. Why hadn't she thought of that herself? Well, she wasn't just any healer, she was the head healer. That meant she was the best, and the realisation brought pride blooming in the girl's chest. No wonder she was so smart - no, the smartest. Asides from standing out as the best, she had some responsibilities too. The mention of training deflated the child's optimistic mood, and her gaze fell to the floor. Training sounded so difficult and exhausting; would she be able to keep up with it? Then again, her mother was the teacher, and she quite enjoyed her mother's way of explaining so perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. Just the two of them delving into a world of plants and learning - she could like that. "Yeah, a healer!" she exclaimed with a wag of her cream tail. Would she want to become the head healer once her mother stepped down from the position? It seemed just as hard to be honest. Organising training was one thing, but teaching others? Did that mean she had to talk? Oh there was no way she was doing that. In fact, she was quite happy with a healer position; there was no need to do anymore.

As her mother curled around her small body, matching ivory fur intermingling, the girl closed her eyes with a smile upon her features. She loved cuddles and long embraces, and no-one did it better than her mothers. Looks like they were lead healers, fighters and expert huggers. "I love you too mummy," she chirped softly, leaning into her mother's protective form.

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