
Of Two Galaxies



7 Years
01-03-2016, 07:57 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal wasn't left waiting long. Soon enough, her summons was answered by a monumental, very fascinatingly colored and marked male arrived. He was the same height as Glacier, but even Glacier's blue markings paled in compar8ison to the coat this fellow sported. A smile creased her face as she looked him over, taking it all in. He was younger than her by a lot; he would likely still be leading by the time she stepped down to retire and have a few more children. So it was good that she had brought Regulus along for this meeting.

Mithras, as he soon introduced himself, was a pleasant personality, it seemed. She couldn't help liking his open lack of formality. Or the grin that answered his question. Regulus wasn't far off. She'd heard a low bark that signalled that he was on his way with a mouthful. So she began. "My name is Surreal Adravendi, Archangel - or Alpha - of Celestial. The young fellow arriving soon is my son and heir, Regulus Adravendi. We've claimed the lands to the south of here, near the coast. Vericona Plains and Wolfpaw Lake. I heard your claim on the evening I staked my claim there, and decided this would be my first stop in seeing the other packs and seeing what deals can be worked out." Her smile was warm as she looked at him. "I intend for Celestial to be ultimately friendly until provoked into war."

Her eyes slid past his celestially painted frame to the Valley. Excellent hunting grounds, and good water, though with the melting snow and spring rains, she imagined the river would be swollen right now. "You've chosen good lands. The Valley has a very good selection of prey." She returned her gaze to him, grinning. Gods she hoped he'd be a good neighbor.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.