
Don't Need Help

Bright Moon


6 Years
01-04-2016, 01:06 AM
Bright saw the pup tense, getting uncomfortable with her close proximity, and she almost felt bad for making him feel that way. Yet, at the same time she knew he wasn't that afraid, so at least she knew she wasn't spooking him. Just toying with his pride slightly, refusing to let him be stubborn enough to send her away. But he'd learn to get over that, eventually. He was a tough little guy, which was evident by the way he growled, curling his lips to show off his needle-sharp puppy teeth. Still, she'd give him his space a little bit and stand back, just smiling down at him.

She wondered about the pretty bangle 'round his forepaw as he lifted the paw to swipe at his cold nose. Where had it come from? Maybe a gift from his parents. She still had to wonder where they were, if they would ever return for the boy, but in the meantime he was cold and hungry, and she would make sure he had something for the time being. He refused to answer in words whether or not he'd really hunted. Well, it didn't matter. "We'll get something warm and juicy," she said with a nod; even her own belly rumbled at the thought.

Lifting her nose again, she caught scent of something at last. And it wasn't far from their current location. Between gusts of mist from the waterfall, she could see a small, hungry-looking whitetail doe that was drinking from the pool where the falls landed. It was at the edge of the steep, rocky bank where the ground shifted sharply upward from the flatter expanse of ground. If the doe was hungry and weak, its chances of taking off up the the side of the waterfall were slim. If they went slowly, they could cut off its escape route into the woods, and if it took off into the water, it would be doomed.

Bright crouched down, and she turned to the pup. "Can you smell the deer?" she asked then looked toward the mist that was coming off the water. Keeping her voice low, she continued, "If we go slowly and you follow my lead, we can block it from running away," she stated, hoping the pup wouldn't be resistant following her orders, "If it was healthy and strong, we might not stand a chance, but it looks like this doe's had a tough winter." The woman began to stalk forward, veering off to her left in a wide circle, with the deer on her right - she hoped they'd be able to approach from behind and thus make a surprise attack. With the raging falls, the doe might not hear them at all. Was the pup going to follow and do as she did?