
Self-fulfilling Prophecy



3 Years
01-04-2016, 12:23 PM

As Luck was struggling to reign in her embarrassment it seemed he had another plan, his compliment completely blindsiding the already flustered girl. She felt her face grow hot and she hoped he couldn’t see her blushing, all the while she opened and closed her jaw as though trying to find a response where there wasn’t one. There was a light fluttering in her stomach at his words too and frankly she was just a bit overwhelmed with all that was going on.

Still the moment would pass and as she waited silently for his response to her sad tale she felt herself almost wishing for it back. It was altogether very confusing but she had to admit it had also been enjoyable. Finally as the silver titan spoke Luck looked up at him, meeting his gaze for the first time since their meeting had started. Brilliant blues narrowed slightly as she thought, trying to read him. Surely he had some ulterior motive for inviting her to join him… and while he almost certainly did Luck was still much to naïve to understand it.

Her mind was racing with all the possibilities. She was warry of course, her parents like all dutiful parents did had warned her of strangers and she certainly had never been fond of wolves she didn’t really know. Still… she was often lonely and there would be benefits to having the company of such a big wolf… not the least of which he even mentioned. Really looking him over for the first time she felt another shiver shudder through her and some primal part of the girl perked up, shouting at her to stick close to the male.

After a moment of consideration she nodded, slowly, hesitantly. “I’m alright at hunting… I guess.” In truth she wasn’t all that successful, she managed to keep herself from starvation sure but she had only enough luck to snatch small rodents and the winter had been hard on her, forced into scavenging more than she caught live prey. “I’m actually more adept at healing, herb, that sort of thing.” She couldn’t keep the edge of pride and excitement from her voice, herb lore did truly excite her.


[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]