
You think you're good enough?


04-18-2013, 02:26 AM

Elphaba was a strange creature. Silent but with a set of wicked teeth and an even more devastating tongue. Her intelligence far surpassed most but she choose not to show it, it seemed she was repulsed at the mere concept of being noticed, which most tended to find bizarre, but it suited her just fine. Solitude was something she choose willingly. She didn't always enjoy the shadows and the loneliness often got to her, especially now with Glinda gone, but such things were neither here nor there. She was where she was and her choices were her own. Whether they were good or bad... still remained to be seen.

Alacritis had proven to be both a blessing and a curse. It gave her a brand new outlook on life, but it trapped her mind in the past, she lingered constantly on the cruelty of her pseudo-father... if he ever hunted her she would fight him until death claimed her... or him. She might be dragged to hell herself but she would make damn sure she took him with her. Her lips coiled back over her teeth as she fought to repress the snarl.

The scent of blood reached her nose and she paused mid stride for but a moment, curiosity clouding her judgement she padded towards the source of the scent, golden eyes flickering this way and that, her paws making indents in the dirt. Water and blood, perhaps the victim was attempting to debride a wound? Intelligent, if such were the case, not many aside from healers knew of such a trick. Her curiosity increased, it was, however, quickly smashed as she saw the wounds were self inflicted. Again she damn near snarled. How selfish, how weak.

"You taint the water with a cowards blood, end your life or cease such folly." Words would fall like knives from ebony lips, vibrating through her larynx in a deep baritone that held no emotion.
