
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance

Marina I


7 Years
01-04-2016, 07:08 PM

Winter was slowly but surely coming to an end. Marina was still unsure as to what Cypress was going to do when it came to Sin. No doubt the man still mourned over his wife, felt anger at her demise, yet when one had children there was more at risk then just oneself. If you died it meant leaving behind your children. Leaving them to fend for themselves or to be taken care of by a pack that might not care for them on the same level. Marina wouldn’t lie -- she had no bonds or particular feelings about any of Cypress’ children. That didn’t mean she hated them... But she would treat them as any other member of Borealis.

If any of them stayed that was.

She knew that Rivaxorus was planning on leaving come the spring. One of the children, Cypress’ daughter Juniper had already disappeared. Was it out of grief for losing her mother, Marina wondered? Or was there more to it? Whatever the case she figured most, if not all of Cypress’ children would be abandoning Borealis. It was not their home, nor their parent’s pack any longer. Cypress would be stepping down, completely handing the reigns to the femme when spring came. But what would become of the rest of the members?

She suspected Allen and his family to fly the coop as well. But never did Marina think for even a moment any of her children might stray. Sure they had wandered, exploring without her protection. But Marina had always held hopes that they would remain close to home, close to her. It was the loneliness that edged at her mind, at her heart, that was the most threatening of the demons that lurked within her. Loneliness invited in carelessness. She vowed not to become a victim to it again, but who know what would truly happen if she were alone.

The call of her daughter would capture Marina’s attention. Something about the call seemed... Off. The woman couldn’t put her paw on it, but she certainly didn’t like the feeling. The timing seemed... Wrong. It was unlike her children to summon her either. So what had happened, she wondered, to make Zephyra yearn for her attention?

Marina wouldn’t hesitate to rush to her child’s side. She would kick up flurries of snow, brow furrowed with worry as her daughter came into view. Zephyra reached even taller than she did now... And Mari couldn’t be more proud. She would come to a stop, ears lowering slightly as she looked to her daughter’s pink eyes. “Zephyra?” She’d question, hoping her daughter didn’t need much prodding to tell her what was wrong.


[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]