
Creepy crawlies

Marina I


7 Years
01-04-2016, 08:16 PM

Perhaps it was expected as a grown up that she would know everything, but as Marina had learned growing up not even grown ups knew everything in the world. There was always something new that someone could learn, young or old. Be a skill or some random fact of knowledge there was always something out there to learn. Marina loved that fact about life. Knowing everything at once would just be boring! But the journey to learn everything, now that appealed to her.

Laughter spilled from her maw as she fled away from her daughter. Tag had been one of her favorite games as a child, and even as an adult it brought her great joy. Perhaps because she could share the game with her children it made it all the more special. It certainly stirred memories of her younger days, playing the game with her parents and brother. Whether win or lose {did anyone ever really win at tag?} she had a blast.

There was a playful protest from her daughter as she began the game of chase, but Marina would just grin widely. “All is fair in love and games, Zeph!” Marina would teasingly call. There was no way she was going to slow down now and let her daughter tag her that easily. Marina wanted Zephyra to work for it. In a sense the game had a double meaning; both a simple game of tag and training to run fast when one “needed” to.

Marina’s paws hit the earth hard as she fled away from her daughter. She couldn’t stop giggling, couldn’t recall the last time she’d had such fun. Having a second litter had definitely been what she needed to boost her spirits again. These babies, her babies, were even closer to her than the last. They were raised... Better. With better morals, and more love than before. This time things would remain different.... And her family wouldn’t be broken again.

This would be her second chance.

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]