
till dawn



10 Years
Extra large
01-04-2016, 10:06 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2016, 10:07 PM by Áki.)

The bitter chill of winter had begun to fade, making the north far more hospitable. Traveling to the far north - a good few days' journey, from where he had begun - was a far easier task now that the worst of winter had subsided. His heart was light tonight, as he crossed the vast plain of snow. It was rapidly nearing dawn, though the northern lights still lingered in the sky. They cast a marvelous display of colors down onto the gleaming ice and snow, a soft palette of pastels that could only be seen to be truly appreciated. The brute wore a smile as he moved, feeling a hunger settling in his stomach with each mile that he crossed.

He had not truly fed, on reindeer, in so long. Too long. Soon the herd would begin to migrate, to gather and to breed, as they always had done and always would do. It would be an opportune time to pick off some of the weaker of the herd, those that had not persevered through the harsh winter - yet it was not something he could do on his own. Aki would not feast on the dead and to take down a full-sized reindeer was a likely death sentence.

He felt the hunger, felt it wracking him and he would suffer with it until he found a suitable meal, or better yet.. a fitting partner to help him hunt the food he truly craved. Massive paws carried the tusked creature across the field of glaciers, smooth and seemingly endless... it seemed as though the world might never end here, for all he could see was snow and ice and the brilliant, gleaming lights overhead, and he heaved a grateful sigh as he moved. He could ask for nothing more than this.

note: set in the frozen field.