
Over and out!


04-18-2013, 08:19 AM
Choose Wisely, on your next move!

The morning brought a fresh new day, a day that anything could happen. Segolia awoken from the den to be greeted by rays of light. Opening her eyes she let out a big yawn, and begun to stretch. Her front legs stretched out in front of her, as she pushed up with her hind legs to stretch out her back. A fresh breeze struck her, sending several strands of fur flowing from side to side.

She planned on going to hunt for a bit before she go about her usual stuff. One paw after another Segolia slowly pulled her still waking up body out of the den. The pack was buzzing as usual, everyone seemed to have a thing they have to do, and places to go. Her ears laid down on her head for a bit as she listened to others talk. Letting out a sigh she made her way to a decent hunting ground.

The small fea walked across the center of the pack home, and soon disappeared into the heart of Seracia territory. Coming up to a open field green as the eye can see, Segolia noticed a fog begin to roll in. One minute it was clear and sunny the next moment foggy. She let out a sigh, this would make it more difficult to hunt, and she knew it. Shakeing her head she sniffed the ground to find the scent of prey. Any scent would do wonders for her, she wanted to try to bright her hunting skills up.

She walked slowly and lightly upon the ground, nose still pressed to the grass."There has to be at least one scent." She spoke to her self. Tail swaying gently, she soon picked up what she was looking for. It was not a large animal, just a small one, most likely a rabbit, or rodent of some sort. She raised her head to see if the animal was in her sight. Purple orbs scanned the land scape, or what of it she could see, yet nothing appeared

She lowered her muzzle once more to the ground, the scent was strong, it must be here somewhere. Segolia raised her head once more, but this time not so high. A smile arose from her maw as the animal came into sight. A Rabbit, it indeed was.. Her stomach growled as she stalked closer then took off in a sprint after the rabbit. This was it, she leaped at her prey and came crashing down upon the ground, getting nothing but a mouth full of dirt. Segolia sat up on her haunches, she spat out dirt from her mouth and shook off the failure that radiated off of her. She was and is not a good hunter or fighter, but she knew that she made up for that, for being a good healer.
