
Testing Time (Meeting)



7 Years
Extra large

01-04-2016, 10:20 PM
Meetings. He hated them. Once upon a time, he'd loved them.. it meant he got to listen to his father, listen to the words of wisdom that he had to offer, to prove he was an able-minded part of Abaven and that he was willing to participate. But the last few had devolved into nothing short of a cluster-fuck. Nothing but arguing and squabbling over the most ridiculous things. He felt overwhelmed even before he joined the gathering, and fought the urge to sigh to himself as he heard his father's call. There was absolutely no way he would ignore it, but would he be excited about it?

Definitely not.

He was already pissy enough about the mud. The river was nice when it was its usual, slightly-frantic self, but it was getting more uncontrollable by the day, it seemed. The water seemed to soak into every inch of land, including the entrance to his den, and he frowned quite visibly and he trucked through the mud, feeling the squelching beneath his paws with each step. The first one he saw there was, to no surprise, his father. He'd been dwelling on their conversation they'd had before the siege for quite some time now, though he'd made no real headway in the... leadership area. His gaze found Lillianna next - sitting near.. his brother? His nose wrinkled as he searched for his other siblings, finding only Sparrow. No Finch, and no Starling. That wasn't surprising, but it certainly didn't make him happy. He didn't fight the urge to sigh this time - instead he inwardly said fuck it and let out an exasperated sigh. Even Calypsei was not here, though he spotted his friend Tinaro and offered as friendly as a nod as he could muster.

He couldn't find a single wolf he felt inclined to sit with, for perhaps once in his life. Not today. All he wanted was to see Finch, to comfort her and to lean on her - as she always did to him - but even she was not here. Feeling at a loss, he'd pad nearer to his father, plopping down without a word and letting his gaze trail to the horizon, feeling oddly out of place today.