
Unexpected Friendship



9 Years
Extra large
04-18-2013, 08:56 AM

F-f-forgive me And ear flicked forward at the stammering wolf who pushed forward from her hiding spot, fear washing off of her like water. It was then that it was made very clear that the small wolf was not there to do any harm, she just found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Still though, she would be spared but only because the large beast had been friendly with her species in her past. If she had been any other bear she probably would have struck the wolf immediately, not understanding or even taking the time to ask why they were there in the first place. She was scared, large ears fell upon her head and tail rucked between her legs.

Naomi Tenbrook, miss. That is what I am called. Violet eyes watched her closely, noting how her gaze went to her jaws then fell to her kill. Lips pulled back the slightest at this but not much, showing the shewolf she was not pleased with where her gaze was settling. What she chose to say caused a low growl to rumble in the back of her throat, the shewolf asking to be spared then asking for her to hold pity on those unfortunate, offering her meal for her instead of herself. She didn?t remember the last time she had ate, this caused the beast?s gaze to look over her body, a small animal that looked like skin on bones.

It was then that she went silent, the beast clearing her throat and holding her head high. Heureux, lucky. You are. The large claws on her massive paws drummed against the head of her kill as she watched the wolf. Zanire, be nice to Miss Naomi. No cause I feel bad, me good with you kind. Wolf help Zanire, Zanire help back. She spoke in a kinder tone, almost as if she was talking to a friend. She reached down, jaws clamping down on a decent sized chunk of meat and pulled, ripping it out. She then looked back to the wolf, Naomi, tossed the meat to her that landed just inches from her paws. With an approving nod of her head the beast lowered herself down on her belly to lay beside her kill, using a paw to pull it over and in front of herself before digging back in.
