
You Better Be Good To Me



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-18-2013, 11:20 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2013, 12:14 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron's gaze quickly was redirected to a black-furred brute that spoke up upon Erani's departure. The girl couldn't bring herself to watch Erani go. She was upset herself, and seeing her caretaker's own pain would do nothing to assuage the situation. The unfamiliar male spoke up rather quickly, stating his displeasure with the fact that Neo had been taken as a slave. She had no idea who he was -- she really ought to be more involved with the pack, with getting to know the newer wolves. No, she HAD to, now that she was Alpha. It was her responsibility now.

The girl's expression changed quite suddenly. Collision's judgment seemed to be coming under question, and she shot Fenrir a less-than-pleasant glance. "Neo's freedom is not being taken away, he has forfeited it," she retorted, her voice sharp and quite void of the typical sweetness that her tones held. "If what Collision says is true -- and I have no doubt in my brother's words -- then Neo has betrayed information about our pack to Tortuga. After giving him everything and more, he has still decided to go against us, and for that, a punishment is warranted. Neo was well aware what he was doing, and his betrayal will not come without a price." His departure had hurt them all deeply, but he'd done far more than just leave. His punishment had yet to be set, but it would be fitting for the crimes he had committed.

Fenrir went on with his concerns about the situation, and her eyes burned as she watched him. The two wolves who's lives were changing most drastically -- Neo didn't count, as he had earned his fate entirely -- had no qualms with undertaking the duties they had been given, but the others seemed inclined to defend them. No. She didn't need to be defended; was her uncertainty so readily visible that even this stranger to her could see it? The girl straightened herself, finding strength from somewhere deep within to strand tall and confidently. Later, she could cry, she could whine and act like a child, all alone in her den, but the time for that was not right now. Collision's choices were being attacked, and the girl was growing irritated.

"I could ask for no greater privilege than serving my family," she explained calmly. Yes, the position of Alpha was not just one of power, but something far more important and crucial. She would lead her family, be responsible for their safety and well-being. Their happiness, and their survival. "I will admit I am inexperienced, but anyone who knows me, knows that my family is the most important thing to me. Collision would not have chosen me if he had any doubt that I could do this. I will do everything in my power to ensure this pack flourishes." Whatever that was, she did not know. Collision would help her, her father would help her, Valhalla would not fail under her rule.