
Drops of Jupiter



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-05-2016, 08:55 PM

The beast skirted the territory taken by yet another pack, while he didn't trespass, he purposefully walked near the borders as a sort of taunt that he was still around. Boundaries wasn't something he really cared about, much less if the pack didn't have his respect. Imperium were the only ones who had his respect, as well as Donostrea. The others? He could care less at this point. The males goal was to surprise his mate, and so he would spend the majority of his day preparing. With Seifer's help, Sin had acquired a collection of feathers and set to making a special gift for Arietta. As soon as night began to fall, clouded amber gaze would meet the first twinkle of stars before he sought a decent spot not wholly flooded by the snow melt.

Beneath the shelter of a cherry blossom tree, Sin would pull together a nest of reeds and feathers where they could sit comfortably when she arrived. Funny that he was doing this...never in his life would he even think of such a thing, but ever since meeting Arietta, he wanted to give her the world and everything in it. He had a soft spot for her, and although he seldom admitted it out loud, she was his weakness. She had a way of bringing out better things in him, if only for a moment and only in front of her. Once he finished, he set his gift near the roots of the cherry tree and returned to his makeshift nest before lifting his head to call for her. He hoped she was nearby, and hoped she would hear his call.